Educational Technology
Technology is an integral part of every Barron Park classroom. In terms of hardware, each classroom has a SMART Board. Each student from grades 1-5 has their own dedicated iPad. In addition, there are Mac laptops and Chromebooks available.
- 1:1 iPad Program
- Use of Schoology in the Classroom
- Use of Google Apps in the classroom
- Digital Resources
1:1 iPad Program
- What does 1:1 mean?
1:1 means that each student has his/her assigned iPad for class work. The iPad is not shared with another student. - Is this the first year for Barron Park for 1:1?
No, this will be the fifth year that we have 1:1 iPads schoolwide. - Can my student(s) download an app?
The iPad is a learning tool and teachers welcome great suggestions from students. The apps are installed through school accounts. Even if your student(s) wants a free app, he/she must check with his/her teacher for approval. - Why iPads?
The iPad is a highly portable and versatile device with individualized educational apps and protocols for downloading already in place. We already had 1:1 iPads in fifth grade. To maintain consistency as well as based upon teacher and student input, we have been expanding upon the program. - Why do I need to sign an agreement?
The iPad technically belongs to the Palo Alto Unified School District. It is a learning tool for class work. Students are learning lifelong skills such as responsibility, care, appropriate use and independence by being assigned their own device. It is similar to any agreement one would be responsible for if one was using someone else's materials. That being said, we do realize that accidents do happen. - How are the iPads being used in the classroom?
The iPads are being used in a variety of ways in the classroom including but not restricted to: reading, writing, research, use of images across various subjects, use of videos across various subjects (both consuming and creating), coding (computer programming), explaining student work/thinking, as a reference tool for a dictionary, thesaurus, calculator and online databases. - How will having an iPad benefit my student(s)?
The iPad benefits the students immensely in terms of learning, but most importantly life skills in terms of digital etiquette and citizenship. - Can my student bring his/her iPad home?
Yes, for grades 1 through 4 but each teacher will decide when to send the iPads home. Please ensure that you have Wi-fi set up. If not, please contact your student’s teacher or Heather Cleland. - Does my student have to bring the iPad home?
No, students are not required to bring an iPad home; you may let your child’s teacher know you would like to opt-out of the take-home program. However, the students do use the iPads as their Master Notebook as also a Reference Tool and you may want to discuss this with your student(s) before making the decision. If you do choose to not let your student(s) bring the iPad home, please ensure that he/she has a device at home with internet access for the tools specified by his/her teacher for homework. - What are the apps being used in the classroom?
The most frequently used apps are: the camera, Dictionary, Calculator, RAZ Kids, BrainPOP (various versions), Schoology, Google Drive, Explain Everything, Green Screen & iMovie, Tynker, Blockly, Spelling City. In addition, other creative apps such as Doodlecast Pro, Sock Puppets, Beedocs Timeline, Stop Motion animator, Koma Koma, Khan Academy and more are used. There may be apps that change through the course of the year. Please keep in mind that the focus is not on the apps as much on the learning objectives. - How can I help support my student at home?
You can support your student at home by setting ground rules and expectations with regards his/her use of digital devices. It is not wrong to play educational games on the iPads. However, reading is the most critical, followed by explaining their thinking through creative ways. There needs to be a healthy balance of screen and non-screen time. - What if my student already has an iPad at home?
This year, we are not implementing the BYOD program(Bring Your Own Device). However, this is something that we are looking into implementing and will send out a survey later in the year. - How will Barron Park ensure student appropriate use of iPads?
Each teacher along with Rusty Tooley, the teacher librarian, and Heather Cleland, the Educational Technology TOSA, works with the students on a daily basis, guiding them with appropriate uses of the device. It is a community effort so the teachers would really appreciate your monitoring and following up at home, while maintaining a healthy trust level. Together, we will learn and have fun!
Students Testimonials
Here’s what the students have to say about the 1:1 iPads (these responses are based upon student surveys in May 2015 of 4th and 5th graders who had their own iPads).
"I didn't have to ask the adult all of things that I don't know. The translator was very cool and it helped me a lot in the beginning"
"My favorite aspect was to be responsible."
"The iPad is not too big and not too small. Also, my favorite aspect is the iPad can shut down quickly."
"My favorite aspect of having an iPad is that it gives me a chance for responsibility and freedom. Because I have to earn the right to take home an iPad and take care of it properly."
"Because we are able to access the world around us."
"Like I said iPads are amazing and and you can basically count on it for anything."
"1. I used it to search things on the web for our Social Studies assignments or whenever I needed to research something. (It is easier to quickly research it than to go to the textbook and find the topic and then read about it).
2. I used it for educational and helpful apps like Explain Everything, Splash Math, Khan Academy, (it is easier than going on the web), MathMateer, etc.
3. I used it for fun (but iPads can help you in different ways) like Comic Life, Paper 53, ChatterPix, etc. My favorite part about having my own iPad was that I didn't need to run and get a computer and I could make it mine for a year."
"Yes, because it helped me a lot in research."
Use of Schoology in the Classroom
Schoology is a K-12 Learning Management System, used across PAUSD. Its use varies across various grade levels. Schoology is used for posting assignments, uploading media (iPad creations as well as pictures and videos that students capture), discussions on various topics from digital citizenship to classroom norms to current events and curricular topics amongst others, and for collaboration outside classroom walls. Please ensure that you create a parent account to access your student(s)’s course. For directions, refer to the Schoology help page.
If you have additional questions, please contact Heather Cleland.
Use of Google Apps in the classroom
Digital Resources
There are tons of amazing digital resources to support learning across grade levels and across the curriculum. At Barron Park we use a variety of tools to support critical thinking, to build collaboration, and to provide opportunities for creation and sharing our learning with others. Every classroom is different in how these tools are used.
Below is a list of our favorite, most-often used tools. For many of them, a User ID and password is required. For safety reasons, we cannot publish them online. Please check with your student’s teacher or contact Heather Cleland for more information.
BrainPOP / BrainPOP Jr / BrainPOP ELL
A favorite resource for all students, BrainPOP has over 1,000 short animated movies covering subjects including science, social studies, English, mathematics, and engineering. BrainPOP also includes games, quizzes, and other activities to support learning across the curriculum. It is also available in Spanish and French.
RAZ Kids
This guided reading program is for use at home and at school. Interactive books are leveled to ensure your child is reading books just right for them.
The iPad app gives students access to over 25,000 books, including fiction, non-fiction, STEM, biographies, graphic novels, and more. Available only at school, unless a home subscription is purchased (usually $7.99 a month). Books in Spanish are also available.
Used more in the upper grades (3-5), this resource provides students with current events, biographies, and primary sources. Students can set the level of reading for each article.
World Book Online
This is a great tool for students to use for research. It includes a citation builder as well as a timeline generator. Students can browse encyclopedia articles by subject or use advanced search tools to locate resources.
This website offers leveled reading of current events. It is an online newspaper for kids used in upper grades (4-5). It is usually updated daily with stories from the Associated Press.
National Geographic Kids
Another great nonfiction reading tool that includes videos and games to support learning. Students can learn about animals and places around the world in a fun, interactive way.
Bridges – The Math Learning Center
K-5 students in PAUSD use Bridges for math instruction. The family section of this website provides more information about grade level units as well as links to math games to support learning.
Khan Academy
This iPad app and website provides free expert-created content and resources for students to practice math concepts. Short lessons, in the form of Youtube videos, are organized by grade level. Khan Academy also offers lessons surrounding computer science and history.
A favorite tool to support learning to code through fun and self-guided games. Kodable breaks down computer science into the basic concepts kids need for a strong foundation. It offers materials focused on topics ranging from communication and social emotional learning to real world impact of computer science.
This website is our go-to site for 3D printing. Students can create, design, and make anything. It is a free online collection of software tools that help students think, create and make! Once their design is ready, we use a STL file to load into one of our 3D printers.
This iPad app is used in grades K-2 as a tool to create, share thinking, and document learning. Students use it to draw concepts, photograph important things happening in the classroom, and share their writing. Families are invited with a special code to view posts and share comments.
Again, this is a list of our favorites! Students and teachers use many other digital resources to extend and enrich learning.
For more information
Heather Cleland is the Educational Technology Specialist at Barron Park who helps integrate the array of technology with core curriculum across K-5. Given the ever changing technology landscape, a dedicated specialist helps teachers use the cutting edge technology in the classroom. Heather also teaches noontime coding programs to students and heads the Maker Studio.
La tecnología es una parte integral de cualquier clase Barron Park. En términos de hardware, cada aula tiene un SMART Board. Cada estudiante de los grados 1-5 tiene su propio iPad dedicado. Además, hay dos carros Mac portátiles y algunos Macs, todos para uso de los estudiantes.
- 1:1 iPad Program
- Use of Schoology in the Classroom
- Use of Google Apps in the classroom
- Digital Resources
1:1 iPad Program
- En Barron Park tenemos el programa de iPad 1:1. ¿Qué significa 1:1?
1:1 significa que cada alumna tiene su propio iPad, asignado para su trabajo de clase. Los alumnos no tienen que compartir su iPad con otros estudiantes. - ¿Es este el primer año de del programa de iPad 1:1?
No, este será el segundo año que tenemos el programa de iPad1:1 para los alumnos de primer grado a quinto grado. Este será el quinto año de del programa de iPads 1:1 para los alumnos de quinto grado, y tercer año del programa iPads 1:1 para los alumnos de cuarto grado. Este año, hemos ampliado el programa para incluir a Kinder, así tenemos el programa a través de toda la escuela. - ¿Puede mi hija llevar su iPad a casa?
Sí, los estudiantes traerán a casa de sus iPads, en grados 1 a 5. Sin embargo la frecuencia se dependerá de cada maestra individual. - ¿Puede mi estudiante transferir una aplicación?
El iPad es una herramienta de aprendizaje y los maestros aceptan sugerencias para aplicaciones de los estudiantes. Las aplicaciones se instalan a través de la cuenta de la escuela. Incluso si su hija quiere una aplicación gratuita, él/ella tiene que consultar con su maestra para su aprobación. - ¿Por qué iPads?
El iPad es un dispositivo electrónico altamente portátil y versátil, con aplicaciones educativas individualizadas, y protocolos para la compra e instalación de aplicaciones que controlamos desde la escuela. Ya teníamos 1:1 iPads en el quinto grado. Así que para mantener la consistencia a través de la escuela, y porque las maestras y los estudiantes los prefirieron, hemos ampliando en el programa de iPads 1:1 para incluir a cada alumno de Barron Park. - ¿Por qué necesito firmar un acuerdo?
El iPad técnicamente pertenece al Distrito Escolar de Palo Alto. Se trata de una herramienta de aprendizaje para el trabajo en clase. Los estudiantes están aprendiendo destrezas para la vida tales como la responsabilidad, el cuidado, uso apropiado y la independencia, al ser asignado su propio dispositivo eléctronico. Es similar a cualquier acuerdo donde uno sería responsable al utilizar las materiales de otra, o de una organización. Dicho esto, nos damos cuenta de que los accidentes ocurren. Esperemos que no pase, pero si tienen un problema o accidente con su iPad, favor de hablar con Heather Cleland. - ¿Cómo utilizan los iPads en el salón de mi hija?
Los iPads están siendo utilizados en una variedad de maneras en el salón incluyendo, pero no limitados a: la lectura, la escritura, la investigación, el uso de imágenes a través de diversos temas, el uso de vídeos a través de varias materias (tanto el consumo como la creación), la codificación (programación de computadoras), para explicar su trabajo de estudiante o sus pensamientos, como una herramienta de referencia para un diccionario de sinónimos, una calculadora o bases de datos en línea. - ¿Cómo va a beneficiar a mi hija, tener un iPad?
El iPAD beneficia a los estudiantes enormemente en términos de aprendizaje, pero lo más importante para la vida en términos de etiqueta digital y la ciudadanía digital. - ¿Puede mi hijo traer a su / su casa iPAD?
Sí, para los grados 1 a 5 pero cada maestra decidirá cuándo enviar los iPads a casa. Por favor asegúrese de que se dispone del Wi-Fi en casa. Si no es así, por favor, póngase en contacto con el maestra de su estudiante o con Heather Cleland. - ¿Mi estudiante tiene que llevar a casa el iPad?
No, los estudiantes no están obligados a llevar el iPad a casa, puede hablar con el maestra de su hijo si usted desea no participar el parte del programa donde los alumnos lleven su iPad a casa. Sin embargo, los estudiantes utilizan los iPads como su cuaderno principal, también como una herramienta de referencia y recomendamos que consulte con su estudiante y el maestra de salón, antes de tomar esta decisión. Si elige no dejar que su hija lleve su iPad a casa, por favor asegúrese de que su alumno tenga un dispositivo electrónico en casa con acceso a Internet, para usar las herramientas especificadas por su maestra y para hacer la tarea. - ¿Cuáles son las aplicaciones que se utilizan en el aula?
Las aplicaciones utilizadas con mayor frecuencia son: la cámara, el diccionario, la calculadora, RAZ para niños, BrainPOP (varias versiones), Schoology, Google Drive, Explain Everything, Green Screen, iMovie, Tynker, Blockly, and Spelling City. Además, muchas usan otras aplicaciones creativas como Doodlecast Pro, Sock Puppets, Beedocs timeline, Stop Motion Animator, Koma Koma, Khan Academy, se utilizan más. Puede haber aplicaciones que cambian en el transcurso del año. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que el enfoque no está en las aplicaciones tanto como en los objetivos de aprendizaje. - ¿Cómo puedo ayudar a mi estudiante en casa?
Usted puede apoyar a su hijo en el hogar mediante el establecimiento de reglas de juego y las expectativas con las destrezas de respecto al su dispositivo electrónico, a la ciudadanía digital y a la tecnología digital. No es malo jugar juegos educativos en los iPads. Sin embargo, la lectura es la más crítica, seguido por una explicación de sus pensamientos u opiniones, a través de formas creativas. Es necesario que haya un equilibrio saludable entre el tiempo en las pantallas y el tiempo no en las pantallas. - ¿Qué pasa si mi hija ya tiene un iPad en casa?
Este año, no estamos implementando el programa BYOD (Traiga su propio dispositivo). Sin embargo, esto es algo que estamos estudiando para el futuro, y se enviará una encuesta a finales de año para recolectar sus ideas acerca del asunto. - ¿Cómo va Barron Park a garantizar que el uso de iPads sea apropiado?
Cada maestra, junto con Rusty Tooley (nuestro bibliotecario), y Heather Cleland (la maestra a de la educación tecnológica) trabajan con los estudiantes diariamente, guiándonos con el uso adecuado del dispositivo. Es un esfuerzo de la comunidad, así que las maestras realmente apreciarían su monitoreo y seguimiento en el hogar, mientras se mantiene un nivel de confianza saludable. ¡Juntos, vamos a aprender y divertirnos!
Testimonios de estudiantes
Esto es lo que los estudiantes tienen que decir acerca del programa de iPad 1:1 (Estas respuestas se basan en una encuesta que tomó lugar en mayo del 2015, en 4º y 5º grado):
"No tenía que preguntar al adulto todas las cosas que yo no conocía."
"El traductor era muy chevere, y me ha ayudado mucho en el principio."
"Mi aspecto favorito era demostrar ser responsable por algo."
"El iPad no es ni muy grande ni muy pequeño, es el tamaño perfecto. Además, mi aspecto favorito es el iPad es que se puede cerrar rápidamente."
"Mi aspecto favorito de tener un iPad es que me da la oportunidad para tener la responsabilidad y la libertad, porque tengo que ganar el derecho de llevarlo a casa y tengo que cuidar de él adecuadamente."
"A través del iPad somos capaces de acceder al mundo que nos rodea."
"Como dije los iPads son increíbles y básicamente se puede contar con él para cualquier cosa."
"Lo utilicé para buscar cosas en la web para nuestras asignaciones de Ciencias o Estudios Sociales, o cada vez que necesitaba algo de investigación (Es más fácil para buscar rápidamente que ir a la biblioteca, buscar un texto y después buscar el tema y luego leer sobre él)."
"Lo utilicé para aplicaciones educativas y útiles como Explain Everything, Splash Math, Khan Academy (que es más fácil que ir en la web), MathMateer, etc."
"Lo utilicé para la diversión (pero iPads te pueden ayudar de diferentes maneras) como Comic Life, Libro 53, ChatterPix, etc."
"Mi parte favorita de tener mi propio iPad era que no tenía la necesidad de obtener una computadora y que la pude hacer mía durante un año."
"Sí, me gustó, ya que me ha ayudado mucho en las investigaciones."
Use of Schoology in the Classroom
Schoology is a K-12 Learning Management System, used across PAUSD. Its use varies across various grade levels. Schoology is used for posting assignments, uploading media (iPad creations as well as pictures and videos that students capture), discussions on various topics from digital citizenship to classroom norms to current events and curricular topics amongst others, and for collaboration outside classroom walls. Please ensure that you create a parent account to access your student(s)’s course. For directions, refer to the Schoology help page.
If you have additional questions, please contact Heather Cleland.
Use of Google Apps in the classroom
Digital Resources
There are tons of amazing digital resources to support learning across grade levels and across the curriculum. At Barron Park we use a variety of tools to support critical thinking, to build collaboration, and to provide opportunities for creation and sharing our learning with others. Every classroom is different in how these tools are used.
Below is a list of our favorite, most-often used tools. For many of them, a User ID and password is required. For safety reasons, we cannot publish them online. Please check with your student’s teacher or contact Heather Cleland for more information.
BrainPOP / BrainPOP Jr / BrainPOP ELL
A favorite resource for all students, BrainPOP has over 1,000 short animated movies covering subjects including science, social studies, English, mathematics, and engineering. BrainPOP also includes games, quizzes, and other activities to support learning across the curriculum. It is also available in Spanish and French.
RAZ Kids
This guided reading program is for use at home and at school. Interactive books are leveled to ensure your child is reading books just right for them.
The iPad app gives students access to over 25,000 books, including fiction, non-fiction, STEM, biographies, graphic novels, and more. Available only at school, unless a home subscription is purchased (usually $7.99 a month). Books in Spanish are also available.
Used more in the upper grades (3-5), this resource provides students with current events, biographies, and primary sources. Students can set the level of reading for each article.
World Book Online
This is a great tool for students to use for research. It includes a citation builder as well as a timeline generator. Students can browse encyclopedia articles by subject or use advanced search tools to locate resources.
This website offers leveled reading of current events. It is an online newspaper for kids used in upper grades (4-5). It is usually updated daily with stories from the Associated Press.
National Geographic Kids
Another great nonfiction reading tool that includes videos and games to support learning. Students can learn about animals and places around the world in a fun, interactive way.
Bridges – The Math Learning Center
K-5 students in PAUSD use Bridges for math instruction. The family section of this website provides more information about grade level units as well as links to math games to support learning.
Khan Academy
This iPad app and website provides free expert-created content and resources for students to practice math concepts. Short lessons, in the form of Youtube videos, are organized by grade level. Khan Academy also offers lessons surrounding computer science and history.
A favorite tool to support learning to code through fun and self-guided games. Kodable breaks down computer science into the basic concepts kids need for a strong foundation. It offers materials focused on topics ranging from communication and social emotional learning to real world impact of computer science.
This website is our go-to site for 3D printing. Students can create, design, and make anything. It is a free online collection of software tools that help students think, create and make! Once their design is ready, we use a STL file to load into one of our 3D printers.
This iPad app is used in grades K-2 as a tool to create, share thinking, and document learning. Students use it to draw concepts, photograph important things happening in the classroom, and share their writing. Families are invited with a special code to view posts and share comments.
Again, this is a list of our favorites! Students and teachers use many other digital resources to extend and enrich learning.
Para más información
Heather Cleland Heather Cleland es el especialista de la tecnología de la Educación de Barron Parque que ayuda a integrar la matriz de la tecnología con el plan de estudios a través de K-5. Dada la tecnología siempre cambiante paisaje, un especialista dedicado ayuda a los maestros usan la tecnología de vanguardia en el aula.