What time does school start and end?
- First bell rings at 8:12am; second and final bell rings at 8:15am
- Kindergarten is dismissed at 11:50am everyday August – mid October; for the remainder of the year Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday dismissal is 2:30pm; WEDNESDAYS 1:30pm
- Grades 1-3 are dismissed at 2:25pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday WEDNESDAYS 1:30pm
- Grades 4-5 are dismissed at 2:45pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday WEDNESDAYS 1:30pm
Do we need to bring school supplies during the first week to donate to our classroom?
No, you do not, and that’s the good part! The school has already purchased exactly what the teachers need for their classroom, and the PTA has funded this purchase. We’ve learned that this much better; the teachers get exactly what they need, each child gets the same materials at their desk, and it’s all ready for them on the first day of school. The PTA does ask parents for a small contribution (any amount in appreciated) to help off set the cost.
How does drop-off work?
Drop-off Kindergarten: You are welcome to find a spot in the parking lot or in the surrounding neighborhood and walk your child to gate. PLEASE adhere to the parking signs and do not park in the NO PARKING ZONE (corner of Barron and Josina Ave.) or in any spot marked for the STAFF, SECRETARY, PRINCIPAL or AUCTION WINNER – these are reserved.
Drop-off Grades 1-5: You may drive into the parking lot and follow the signs and cones. Drop off lane is to the right; pass-thru lane is the left. You must pull into the right lane and pull all the way forward to the last orange cone. Drop-off is in ONLY in this zone. NOT BEFORE THEN. And please NO U-TURNS in front of the school. If you are parking your car, PLEASE adhere to the signs and do not park in the NO PARKING ZONE (corner of Barron and Josina Ave.) or in any spot marked for the STAFF, SECRETARY, PRINCIPAL or AUCTION WINNER – these are reserved.
When do after-school activities start and how do we sign-up?
After-school activities typically start the 2nd or 3rd week of September. You will receive a Back-to-School Welcome packet that has all the information about the classes, providers, scholarship information and sign-ups. The main office will also have copies of this information. And all this information is posted on the Barron Park website with direct links to the providers for online sign-ups. NOTE TO KINDERGARTEN PARENTS: some classes are Grades 1-5 only, please read the information carefully to see if the class and times are the right fit for your child’s age.
Is there after-school care?
Yes, please contact the Barron Park Kids Club (PACCC) or 650-856-1220
What can I do to enrich my child’s experience at Barron Park?
There are many opportunities to do just this! And we welcome your input and ideas!
- Volunteer your time in the classroom, the library, and/or the Maker Studio
- Join the PTA and help out with an event or committee
- Join the Site Council to formulate the school’s goals and achievement plan
- Help out with Partners in Education (PiE): the non-profit organization that funds the wonderful enrichment programs at Barron Park School.